Archives Manager Role – Contract – 3 year contract starting November 2019
This is an exciting role for an established and skilled Archive/Records Manager to lead a contracted team in a major financial organisation. The requirement is to build upon the work already completed over the last number of years and to offer a consistent, high-quality in-house Records Management service.
The Archives Manager (with a minimum of three years in a similar role) is required to fulfil aTeamLeader role overseeing and supervising the work of an Archivist and two Records Assistants in a major financial organisation. The Archives Manager and team will concentratemainlyontherecords managementtasksincludingco-ordinatingtheorganisation’srequirementsand managingthearchivework.
Location: Dublin City Centre
Abilities and Skills:
Ideally,theArchivesManagershouldhavethe followingabilities/skills:
A recognised qualification such as a BA in Archives and Records Management, or similar.
Significant experience (Minimum 3 years in a supervisory role) and a flexible approach to the range of duties to be undertaken.
Excellent communication skills, good IT knowledge
Ability to work on a collaborative project.
Proven organisational ability.
A self-starter.
Knowledge of standards and legal requirements such as ISO 15489,ISAD(G),and Data Protection.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Within the current structure the Archives Manager currently undertakes
Management of the records and archives including advising on best practice when required.
Manage the provision of an up-to-date on-demand full service Archive for the Organisation.
Delivery of the archive service in line with regulatory requirements, relevant standards, industry best practice and various organisation policies. To be regularly reviewed as per the organisation’s requirements.
Managing the Records and Archive Services and working in conjunction with them to off-site Records Management company the all Services are delivered including transfer of files to/from off-site storage provider, in-house Records Management Services, multi-site Records Management of catalogued and uncatalogued files, remediation of user access permissions, and to work with associates to implement a digital preservation and digital archiving strategy.
Annual reviews and updating of the records retention, file plan, classification scheme and disposal schedule.
Implements and manages the vital records programme, restricted storage access list,
Review and amendments to the Records Management Procedural Handbook when required.
To revise current practice/procedures in line with ISO 15489 and all relevant legal obligations, introduce policies/procedures to ensure that the daily activities are efficient and effective.
On-going maintenance and population of the organisation’s online public access catalogue ensuring: correct metadata is available; full audit trail of amendments / updates and that an inventory of catalogued materials is available to researchers
To maintain a proactive and thematic approach to the delivery of the exhibition centre
To investigate, analyse and resolve issues in the Divisions relating to Unregistered Material which fall within the Archives and Records Management Policy.
Kefron Limited is Ireland’s largest Irish owned and operated Records Management Company. This role will be contracted to Kefron. To apply for this role please send your application and CV quoting ‘Records Manager’ in the first instance to