Archivist RoleContract – 3 year contract starting November 2019

This is an exciting role for an established and skilled Archivist to lead a team in a major financial organisation. The requirement is to build upon the work already completed over the last number of years and to offer a consistent, high-quality in-house Records Management service.

It is envisaged that the Successful applicant will work as part of a team including a Records Manager (Team Leader), the Archivist and two Records Assistants in this major financial organisation. The team will concentrate mainly on the records management tasks in the organisation including co-ordinating the organisation’s requirements and managing the archive work.The Archivist will focus mainly on the archival appraisal and cataloguing requirements.

Location : Dublin city centre

Abilities and Skills:

Ideally,theArchivistshouldhavethe followingabilities/skills:

  • A recognised qualification such as a BA in Archives and Records Management, or similar.

  • Significant experience and a flexible approach to the range of duties to be undertaken.

  • Excellent communication skills, good IT knowledge

  • Ability to work on a collaborative project.

  • Proven organisational ability.

  • A self-starter.

  • Knowledge of standards and legal requirements such as ISO 15489,ISAD(G),and Data Protection.

Role and Responsibilities:

Within the current structure the Archivist currently undertakes the following:

  • Full processing of the organisation’s archival collections to recognised standards such as ISAD(G), to include responsibility for the primary maintenance and metadata population of the Online public access catalogue, archival software and web system for the archive.

  • Review and appraisal of files which may be of archival value.

  • Devise and implement policies and procedures which will ensure the long term preservation of the collection.

  • Implementation of the conservation programme that will address archival storage and preservation issues.

  • Developing access policies.

  • Supervising and maintaining the research room, delivery of quality reader services for the customers including invigilation of the reading room and responding to public queries

Kefron Limited is Ireland’s largest Irish owned and operated Records Management Company. This role will be contracted to Kefron. To apply for this role please send your application and CV quoting ‘Archivist’ in the first instance to


The Information Management People
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