Archivist (K B Nowlan Papers) – 12 month Fixed Term Contract
The Royal Irish Academy (RIA)/Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann is a publicly funded institution established for the promotion of learning in the sciences and humanities throughout Ireland. The Academy was founded by Royal Charter in 1785. The Academy is an all-island independent forum that brings together the worlds of academia, government and industry, to address issues of mutual interest, through our major outreach events and legacy projects. Drawing on our Members’ expertise, we make a significant contribution to public debate and public policy formation on issues in science, technology and culture. We lead important national research projects, particularly in areas relating to Ireland and its heritage. In addition, the Academy represents the world of Irish learning internationally, maintains and enhances a unique globally-recognised library and is a leading academic publisher. For additional information on the Academy Library, please see http://www.ria.ie/Library.aspx
The Nowlan Archive: The Academy Library recently acquired the papers of Kevin B. Nowlan, MRIA, 1921-2013. Nowlan was Professor of Modern History at University College Dublin, and a respected campaigner for the conservation of Ireland’s architectural heritage and of Georgian Dublin in particular. President of An Taisce, the National Trust for Ireland, 1983-1988, he was also active in the Irish Georgian Society (Vice-President); Hon. President of the Dublin Civic Trust; board member of the Alfred Beit Foundation; and member of the Upper Lesson Street Residents Association and many other civic and heritage organisations.
The Position: With funding from the Nowlan bequest, the Academy is now seeking applications to fill the full time position of Archivist. This is a 12 month fixed term contract. Reporting to Siobhán Fitzpatrick, Librarian, the archivist will:-
· Arrange and catalogue the Nowlan papers.
· Complete the cataloguing of the Graves collection (see Graves-Collection).
· Arrange and catalogue the Academy’s Margaret Stokes, 1832-1900, archive, consisting of antiquarian drawings and photographs relating to antiquities in Ireland.
· Create web content in respect of these collections.
· From time to time, support Library activities and services.
Further information on this position is available on www.irishjobs.ie. To find the position and details of the application process please use the job search facility and insert Royal Irish Academy under keywords.
All applications must be submitted through www.irishjobs.ie.
Closing Date: 16th March 2015 at 10am (Late applications will not be considered).
We anticipate interviews taking place on 26th March 2015.