
Performance and Service Improvement


Salary:39,239 – 47,088 per annum

For an immediate permanent full-time vacancy, based within Performance and Service Improvement, MDEC Building, Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry.

Essential Criteria:

A degree or professional qualification at graduate diploma level and 2 years experience in a senior management role* working in a major complex organisation **
5 years experience in a senior management role* working in a major complex organisation **

In addition to one of the above:

Experience of operating at a managerial level in either records /archives management or libraries /information or information governance


A full current driving licence and access to a car is essential. Consideration will be given to alternative travelling proposals in respect of applicants who have a disability who cannot hold a licence.

* senior management role is defined as Band 6 level to include delivering performance improvement, planning and organising activities and working with internal and external stakeholders

** complex organisation is defined as an organisation with at least 200 staff or an annual budget of 50 million which involves meeting a wide range of objectives requiring a high degree of co-ordination with a range of stakeholders


Desirable Criteria:
Degree or Post Graduate qualification in Records Management, Archive or Library & Information Studies



A shortlist of candidates for interview will be prepared on the basis of the information contained in the application form. It is therefore essential that all applicants demonstrate through their application how and to what extent their experience and qualities are relevant to this post and the extent to which they satisfy each criterion specified.

Applicants relying on qualifications regarded as equivalent are responsible for providing evidence as to how their qualifications meet the required standard. If equivalence is not immediately clear to the Recruiting Officers, no enquiries will be made by the Western Trust and the candidates application form may not proceed as a result.

Please note that the Western Trust reserves the right to use both the essential and the desirable criteria at shortlisting. Applicants should therefore make it clear on their application form whether or not they meet the desirable criteria, as per the advertisement and personnel specification. Failure to do so may result in you not being shortlisted.

The UK Border Agency has suspended sponsorship indefinitely for Tier 3 low skilled workers. The third tier of the UK based Visa system applies to individuals who wish to come the United Kingdom to perform low skilled work. This means that the Trust is unable to offer employment to applicants who require Tier 3 sponsorship as we are unable to secure a work permit in these circumstances. Therefore, if it is identified that you require the above sponsorship, we will be unable to proceed with your application or any offer of employment.


Candidates who are short-listed for interview will need to demonstrate at interview that they have the required competencies to be effective in this demanding leadership role. The competencies concerned are given in the NHS Leadership Framework with particular focus on the following:-


2. Working with Others
2.1 Developing Networks

3. Managing Services
3.1 Planning
3.3 Managing People

4. Improving Services
4.4 Facilitating Transformation

5. Setting Direction
5.3 Making Decisions

Ref No: 74214034
Closing Date:  Friday, 09 May 2014 at 3.30pm

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

Please return application form to Western Health & Social Care Trust, HR Department  Recruitment & Selection, 12c Gransha Park, Clooney Road, Londonderry, BT47 6WJ


Western Health and Social Care Trust

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