Provision of Professional cataloguing, organisation and curation services for the Garech Browne Library at Farmleigh Estate, Dublin.


The Irish Office of Public Works seek tenders for the provision of Library and Curatorial services of the Library formed by the late Honourable Garech Browne, 1939 – 2018. It is a substantial and eclectic collection of around twenty thousand books, manuscripts and art works reflecting his life-long, remarkably wide-ranging interests including international literature, art, music, philosophy, religions, history and horticulture et cetera. Its contents include items of rarity and of specialised interest.

The Garech Browne Library is on loan to the Irish State under the management of the OPW and will be located in Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park, Dublin.  Farmleigh is the official Guest House of the Irish State, which accommodates official guests of the Irish Government, including visiting heads of state and government. It also hosts cultural events; and it is open to national and international public visitors. 

The successful provider will have experience of organising, cataloguing, describing, displaying and presenting the contents of this library. The provider will have developed organisational and bibliographical skills to catalogue this library to high professional standards. The provider will also bring to the position in-depth familiarity across the spectrum of modern Irish culture.

Applications through the eTenders portal

Etender id no. 219274

Closing date  30th August 2022

Garech Browne Library Farmleigh

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