
Librarian (part-time)
Contract Type: Part-time permanent
Hours of Work: 16 – 20 hours per week
Salary: Depending on Experience

The Librarian is responsible for supporting the information and resource needs of learners
and lecturers at Independent College Dublin. The successful candidate will be responsible for the
implementation of the development strategy for the library including the systems management,
acquisitions and collection development, licence and online subscriptions management, service
metrics and reporting, marketing and promotion of the service, current awareness services and
increasing usage.

Key responsibilities will include:
– Implement and review library and information policies and procedures.
– Promote and market the profile of library services internally, using a range of technology
and approaches, including social media, conferences, college open days, and publications.
– Prepare and manage the budget/costs for library and information services, technology and
media and present same to board for approval.
– Prepare and submit reports related to library and information services, technology and
media services, resources and activities.
– Contribute to the management of the interlibrary loan service for both book and audio-
visual materials and maintain records.
– Develop, deliver and evaluate information literacy sessions and supporting materials,
including via e-learning opportunities.
– Establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff and library users.
– Support continuous professional development of library staff.
– Determine books and materials to be mended or discarded.
– Manage and ensure an accurate inventory of resources.
– Maintain membership in professional organisations.
Knowledge Required
– Knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm for reading, learning and information literacy.
– Understanding of and ability to facilitate learning and information needs.
– Awareness of national and international trends in library and information environment.
– Proven ability to use Microsoft Office applications, management information systems and/or
bibliographic databases.
– E-capable and e-confident with an understanding of web-technologies and proficient in
internet searching.

Experience required
A minimum of 3 years post qualification experience essential.

Qualifications required
Primary degree in Librarianship or Information Science or an equivalent qualification that is
recognised by the Library Association of Ireland.

Contact: Sheelagh Carroll
Head of Sales & Marketing

The closing date is August 31st

Independent College Dublin

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