Grade VII Library Resources Manager
HSE Health Library Ireland
Job Specification & Terms and Conditions
The Library Resources Manager will be responsible for the development, delivery and implementation of current and future HSE Health Library Ireland strategies in an assigned geographic location.
The post holder will manage and lead substantial change and library quality improvement programmes.
The Library Resources Manager will be assigned authority to lead a national virtual team of library staff to implement best practice in library and knowledge services across the HSE. National virtual teams are aligned to strategy and focus on the following areas: Evidence Search and Summary, Information Skills, Knowledge Broker Service, Digital Knowledge Service, Estates management and Procurement. This responsibility will include leadership of a team of library staff based across the HSE, virtual team leads may rotate, and teams may evolve over time. The post holder will be assigned any other projects / initiatives from time to time.
The post holder will provide library expertise, support and advice to local library users and will take a lead role in library development in a defined geographic area within the HSE encompassing both managerial and administrative responsibilities.
Informal Enquiries: Aoife Lawton
Address: HSE National Health Library & Knowledge Service, Dr. Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8.
Tel: 01-6352190 / 0876831498
Application Details: Please return completed application forms to: with subject heading: NRS11834, Grade VII Library Resources Manager Please note that you must submit your application form via email only.
Closing date: 11/03/2022 15:00