Role: Manager of Library and Information Services – Irish Hospice Foundation

Background information

Established in 1986, the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) is a national charity devoted to supporting the public in all areas related to dying, death and bereavement. Our mission is to strive for the best end-of-life care for all. Our programme and services address the needs of people dying at home, in hospital and other care settings, as well as the needs of the bereaved. We actively promote public discussion on a broad range of these issues, provide training and education services and carry out research.

The IHF houses the Thérèse Brady Library, Ireland’s only dedicated bereavement, end of life and palliative care library and information service. Through its print and electronic holdings, the library serves the public and professionals, IHF staff and postgraduate students on IHF courses with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Following a review of the organisation’s library and information needs, and appointment of new senior roles in the areas of Research, Policy, Public Engagement and Communications, the position of Manager of Library and Information Services has been created to provide information and library services and to support the IHF’s training and education functions (including managing the Thérèse Brady Library) and research functions. The post holder will also be responsible for transferring archival material to University College Dublin (University Archives Dept.), where the IHF archives are stored and managed. This post will represent an important and developing function within the organisation.

Duties and Responsibilities

Reporting to: The Manager of Library and Information Services will be responsible for the delivery of library and information services under the guidance of a senior manager; Head of Research, Knowledge and Policy.

Library management and strategic development

Manage the day-to-day operation and strategic development of the Thérèse Brady Library including:

  • Liaise with key internal and external library users to contribute to the development and implementation of a strategic plan for library and information services
  • Identify, select and acquire resources (print & electronic) to enhance the existing collection and meet the requirements of postgraduate programmes
  • Catalogue library collections (Koha)
  • Classify library collections (Dewey Decimal System)
  • Negotiate and manage licence agreement negotiations for a range of electronic resources
  • Manage an operational budget
  • Manage, and assist in recruitment of, temporary, part-time and volunteer library staff as needed
  • Circulation and stock management
  • Identify potential funding sources for library development, in collaboration with IHF Research and Fundraising teams

Research & evidence support

  • With the Head of Research and Policy, oversee IHF Open Access policy for research outputs
  • Assist with the delivery of the IHF’s Open Access policy by maintaining the IHF collection on the LENUS Irish Health repository
  • Provide support for IHF research e.g. management of reference management solutions (Zotero)
  • Provide targeted support on specific research projects and educational programmes (e.g. systematic literature searches, support for information/evidence gathering).
  • Assist IHF’s development of collaborative partnerships for the creation and promotion of evidence-based resources in palliative and end-of-life care and bereavement
  • Ensure copyright compliance and copyright protection of IHF-developed resources
  • Develop and deliver appropriate current awareness services for IHF staff, external members and students as required

Support for IHF educational programmes

  • With the support of the Head of Education and Bereavement, develop and deliver information literacy inputs for IHF postgraduate programmes
  • Provide students, and staff as required, with training & advice on research skills and the use of electronic information resources
  • With the Heads of Research and Communications, help to promote IHF knowledge and research internally and externally, through publicity material, demonstrations and presentations
  • Assist in management of and develop policies for IHF web content
  • Maintain library resource pages on Moodle/ and content management system (WordPress)

Liaison role of archive management

  • Manage and develop the Irish Hospice Foundation’s digital archive (with University Archives Dept. in UCD): Prepare and transfer archival material (c. 3 bankers boxes on an annual basis) in variety of formats (print, audio & visual) to University College Dublin, where the IHF archives are stored and managed

Person Specification


  • A primary degree together with a recognised postgraduate qualification in Library and Information Studies (or equivalent)
  • A least three years post-qualification experience managing a library or information service in an academic or special library setting
  • Excellent IT skills with knowledge and experience of Library Management Systems
  • Experience managing electronic resources and authentication management
  • Evidence of commitment to relevant professional development


  • Knowledge of OpenAthens Authentication system
  • Knowledge of Omeka, WordPress and LibGuides content management systems
  • Knowledge and experience of Koha library management system
  • Project management skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and written/verbal communication skills
  • Self-motivation, initiative and a flexible approach to change and work demands



Please send CV and cover letter to Paul O’Mahoney, Head of Research, Knowledge & Policy.

Email: Paul O’Mahoney

Via Post: c/o Paul O’Mahoney, Head of Research, Knowledge & Policy, the Irish Hospice Foundation, Morrison Chambers, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2.

Closing Date: 5pm,  Monday 21 January 2019



Irish Hospice Foundation

Therese Brady Library
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